About Us

Deborah Rotunno has been a labor support and postpartum doula since 1995. Her first experience, with her niece started her journey toward becoming a doula. She has attended countless births, including all of her nieces, nephews,and good friends. 
Deborah is also a La Leche league peer support breastfeeding counselor, at one time was a certified Hypno-birthing instructor and Lamaze Childbirth Educator. She teaches a "Bringing home baby: a survival guide to the first six weeks" class. 

Danielle Joseph-McKay has been a labor support doula and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator for over 13 years-even before having children of her own.  Pregnancy and birth had always been her passion, even from a young age.
After volunteering as a La Leche League Leader for 4 years, she realized she wanted to do more for the breastfeeding community. Danielle continues practice as International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) since 2011.

After the birth of Danielle's 3rd child, Debbie and Danielle came together to become the first professional Placenta Encapsulation Providers on Long Island. They take such pleasure in offering services that are customized to the mother's unique needs. Working together in such a personal field is how and where they love to spend most of their time.